I’m really anxious about the Coronavirus. Two weeks ago, I was only vaguely aware that it was a problem overseas and I assumed that even if it traveled to the US, it would come and go with little impact. Last week at the office, I kept passing by people talking about Coronavirus in hushed voices. If I had to clear my throat or sneeze, I tried to be clandestine about it so I wouldn’t freak anybody out. This week I am working from home because my office building is temporarily closed to coincide with social distancing.

Being alone in my bedroom with my computer is keeping me (and other more vulnerable people) physically healthy, but it also makes me feel more anxious–and kinda lonely. Between social media, the news, and the hourly Coronavirus email updates from my work, I feel hyperaware of how this illness is affecting everyone. In times of uncertainty, I try to focus on what I can do. Knowledge is power after all. I have been using my free time to find information to teach myself how to stay safe, and resources through which I can help others through this rough period. I’ve also been using it to seek articles and videos that bring me some comfort–maybe they could comfort you too.

You Can Stay Safe (and Keep Others Safe)

The WHO and CDC websites have easy to understand health and safety info. I like that their advice for avoiding contracting/spreading COVID-19 is pretty basic: Wash your hands, cough into your elbow, and avoid crowds.  Keep reminding yourself that you can use simple strategies to protect yourself and your loved ones.

You Can Help Vulnerable People in Your Community

Most cases of Coronavirus have been mild. I think that most of us will survive this, but there are people in our communities and beyond who are more vulnerable to Corona and will need our support for the foreseeable future. In addition to keeping clean and socially distant to avoid spreading the illness, there are many other proactive ways we can help the people who most need it.

Donate to your local food bank. Follow the link to Feeding America and find your local food bank(s). Donate money, or offer to volunteer. Alternatively, if you or someone you know needs free and nutritious food right now, then follow this link to find food pantries in your area. Many food banks also assist people who need to apply for SNAP (food assistance).

Meals on Wheels provides food to elderly people who cannot easily leave their homes and purchase groceries. Since elderly people are especially vulnerable to the Coronavirus, this organization’s services are especially valuable. Follow the link to find a program near you and donate.

Donate to Save the Children and No Kid Hungry. As schools close to discourage the spread of Coronavirus, millions of kids across the country will lose access to affordable school lunches and other resources that public schools provide. A donation could help bring food and enrichment to children who are staying at home.

The National Center for Transgender Equality put out a press release with information on how Trans people can stay safe and get help.

Check out this Buzzfeed article with links to even more nonprofits to donate to/volunteer with.

Check out this news clip showing how My Block, My Hood, My City volunteers are helping elderly Chicagoans during this difficult time.

Things I Read that I Appreciated

This article by Awsomely Luvvie, “What I’m Learning from this Coronavirus Crisis So Far

This NPR article by Natalie Escobar, “When Xenophobia Spreads Like a Virus.” Please be a source of support to your Asian/Asian-American friends who may be dealing with racist morons more than usual these days.

Illustrator Malaka Gharib made this comic for kids about how to stay safe and calm during the Coronavirus outbreak–it has some good info for adults too!

Words of Wisdom from My Fav Media Peepo

The Daily Show has stopped filming episodes in their studio until further notice. However, Trevor Noah is still releasing videos on YouTube to keep us updated and entertained (yay!)

Idris Elba has tested positive for Coronavirus. In a video shared on Instagram by Ms. Laverne Cox, he advises viewers, “Stay positive. Don’t freak out.”

Gloria Gaynor posted a TikTok vid of herself washing her hands to “I Will Survive” and I am so here for it!

Distract Yourself

We all need to entertain our minds with light and fluffy things to keep from going stir-crazy. It’s okay, take five minutes to click around the links below to some sillier things.

The Instagram account @DailyShowDogs is still uploading new photos while the show is on hiatus. Follow and fill your feed with cute puppy pics 😀

If you like dark humor, check out these dusky morsels from the Instagram account, @OverHeardLA.

Photo Credit: TheMarySue.Com

Steven Universe Future will be airing two new episodes this Friday (March 20th), and its last four episodes next Friday (March 27th). Spend the next two weekends curled up at home and tune in!

I hope some of the above links were as helpful to you as they were to me. Is there anything you have found on the ‘Net that helped you feel more informed, or at least calmer? Feel free to share it with me. I would love to hear from you.

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