Mellow Musings

Low-maintenance plant.
I do not need much tending,
just a place to grow.
People are like stones you come across on the beach
Most will leave little impact on you as you walk past or over them
Some are sharp, and will cut your foot open if you get too close
A handful will be so beautiful that you will collect them in your pocket,
Of those, the beauty of some will fade, or their weight will tire you, and you will cast them into the sea.
A precious few you will keep close forever,
Nestled safely upon your windowsill.
Awake. Healthy.
Productive. Focused.
Malaise comes like a flash flood
Grope through the darkness for 
a glass pipe, 
a lighter, 
and sticky grass
In a puff of smoke, and a few deep breaths,
the storm clouds in the mind dissipate
Replaced by light and fluffy clouds

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