4 Black (Badass) Women Doctors Who Made Medical History

This week I called my friend on the phone, both because of social-distancing and because they live in California, and admitted that I felt I had a selfish reason for being upset over the Coronavirus outbreak.  I told my friend I was so excited to celebrate Women’s Month (March). I had spent the last week…

Things I Read That Helped Me Feel a Little Better: Coronavirus Edition

I'm really anxious about the Coronavirus. Two weeks ago, I was only vaguely aware that it was a problem overseas and I assumed that even if it traveled to the US, it would come and go with little impact. Last week at the office, I kept passing by people talking about Coronavirus in hushed voices.…

Steven Universe Future Quickie Mini Review

Steven Universe Future premiered on Cartoon Network last Saturday night!  I watched, of course or I wouldn’t be writing about it.  And I have so many feelings about this new mini-series/continuation of the Steven Universe story.  So I thought I’d write a quickie mini review of the first four episodes that premiered last weekend and…

An Open Letter to Anyone Who Regrets Their Major

I have a liberal arts degree, so I understand how you feel.  I have a Bachelor of the Arts degree in psychology and a minor in sociology.  When I tell people, people who are my parents’ age, what I studied in university, I have to immediately brace myself for uncomfortable questions like: “What are you…